Thursday, March 02, 2017

H.O.T. Holding Onto Thoughts

I feel like a trout in a quick current. Information and thoughts rush past me and disappear downstream.  I hope they're collecting in some big pool where I can investigate them later when life slows down, but I'm pretty sure they're just getting buried under layer upon layer of old information sediment. They decompose into raw materials that may re-emerge in the circle of thought life, either my own or someone else's. Maybe that time they'll be caught and made into a satisfying mental meal that helps sustain sustain someone. Maybe rare elements will be smelted from them and used to improve a lot of people's lives or honor God in some way.

I suppose that if my thoughts aren't helpful to people or honoring to God, it's just as well that they get buried and disintegrate in the dark. Still, I wonder how many diamonds in the rough slip into the muck of forgetfulness.

Once in a while, I have a thought that I think might have potential for becoming worthwhile. Let's see whether I can post them in this blog before they disappear. Maybe my kids will find and benefit from them someday. I'll designate them as "Holding Onto Thoughts" topics. H.O.T. topics! Ha! They'll probably be far from culturally hot topics. Lately, I've been noticing that the things that we need to think about the most have been made to feel slow and boring by the flash, glitz, and speed of all the other messages and presentations vying for our attention (the spinners and other artificial baits trying to hook us?).

I had a H.O.T. thought that prompted me to start this post, but it's gone now. However, I'll be ready for the next juicy morsel that drifts through my mental feeding window (a term known to trout anglers and fisheries biologists)!

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