Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Clouds Without Rain

Here's a picture of the last bit of today's sunset over Marquette. It was supposed to rain, so I put off working on the roof because the gray clouds rolled in, but they just hung doing nothing, then went away. It seems our culture usually thinks sun = good and rain = bad. I'm the opposite. The sun burns and dries out the land, while rain causes plants and wildlife to flourish. The sun makes my eyes hurt and my skin peel; the clouds provide shelter and humidity is a free moisturizer. Even though songs such as "Sunny With a High of 75" still gain an approving audience, more people are starting to come over to the gray side, now that global warming is tightening its clutches on water. Boise has become even more of a desert, and Marquette is in grave need of rain.

So the clouds today were just teasing. They looked dark enough to provide relief, but they wouldn't give. How many people around us are like that? How many philosophies and religious doctrines are like that? How often have we been like that? It seems many people convince themselves and others they have something good to offer (usually for a price), and that gets them through life despite having little substance to support the image. Image is easy to buy and build; substance takes perseverance and discipline. Image pays off quickly; substance may go completely unnoticed, unappreciated, or even cause attacks from others. For example, some teachers throw up smoke screens when students ask them questions they can't answer. I prefer to say that I don't know for sure, provide a possible answer, and ask whether any other students have an idea. I like to end the discussion with ways we might find a more certain answer. It's an honest approach that spurs thinking, but there are students who will blast me for it. I haven't met a teacher yet who knows every answer; do these students realize when professors take them for a little ride instead of saying they don't know?

I could just be the cloud, the image, but I would rather work to actually be the substance of rain. I want my image to represent what I really provide, and what I provide will be the genuine article. It will help those around me flourish. That's what I strive for anyway, in my actions, what I believe, and what I teach. I don't always do it well, but as I get better, the more rain I'll be able to provide.

Enjoy your rainy days!

p.s., Yes, I realize that too much rain can create disasters. Perhaps we can talk about too much of a good thing sometime. Can there be too much "substance" or "character " in a person? I argue no; that's just where this particular analogy breaks down. And, yes, I do really like days that are sunny with a high of 75 - just as long as they don't get much warmer than that.

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