Friday, June 09, 2017

Is the Bible a Fun House Mirror?

If you thoughtfully read the Bible, you eventually realized that either these books are really messed up, or a lot of us are really messed up. The books of the Bible themselves attest to the latter. Repeatedly, they give examples of whole populations going astray while the truth of God remains constant. The scriptures themselves state that they are a mirror.  We can see ourselves, individually and as a culture, as much more flawed than we'd like to believe. We have to decide, then, whether the Bible provides an accurate reflection or whether it is a warped fun house mirror displaying distorted images.

I see so much truth and wisdom in the descriptions of myself and others throughout the scriptures, I would be a hypocrite if I dismissed the moments when they portray me as selfish, greedy, ungrateful, or otherwise sinful and needy.

Just something to "reflect" upon!

Thursday, March 02, 2017

H.O.T. Holding Onto Thoughts

I feel like a trout in a quick current. Information and thoughts rush past me and disappear downstream.  I hope they're collecting in some big pool where I can investigate them later when life slows down, but I'm pretty sure they're just getting buried under layer upon layer of old information sediment. They decompose into raw materials that may re-emerge in the circle of thought life, either my own or someone else's. Maybe that time they'll be caught and made into a satisfying mental meal that helps sustain sustain someone. Maybe rare elements will be smelted from them and used to improve a lot of people's lives or honor God in some way.

I suppose that if my thoughts aren't helpful to people or honoring to God, it's just as well that they get buried and disintegrate in the dark. Still, I wonder how many diamonds in the rough slip into the muck of forgetfulness.

Once in a while, I have a thought that I think might have potential for becoming worthwhile. Let's see whether I can post them in this blog before they disappear. Maybe my kids will find and benefit from them someday. I'll designate them as "Holding Onto Thoughts" topics. H.O.T. topics! Ha! They'll probably be far from culturally hot topics. Lately, I've been noticing that the things that we need to think about the most have been made to feel slow and boring by the flash, glitz, and speed of all the other messages and presentations vying for our attention (the spinners and other artificial baits trying to hook us?).

I had a H.O.T. thought that prompted me to start this post, but it's gone now. However, I'll be ready for the next juicy morsel that drifts through my mental feeding window (a term known to trout anglers and fisheries biologists)!

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Greetings from San Francisco!

Took a walk today to see the fireworks at the end of Pier 39. I embarked on the journey on Embarcadero Street. Here's the iconic San Francisco clock tower. San Francisco Bay is on the other side of the building. On my side, a band was playing Jimi Hendrix style rock. Maybe I should have requested "All Along the Clock Tower." (Yes, I know I wrote the title incorrectly.)

Excitement and Emptiness

You've heard the moral of the story multiple times. The guy or gal achieves success and then realizes that it is doesn't mean anything unless there's someone with whom to share it. When I hear it, I think, "Already been said. Say something original." Yet, it's a truth worth repeating. Here I am in San Francisco, in a nice downtown hotel, ready to present my research to an international audience, surrounded by good food and a scenic bay. Yet, the experience is like the impressive atrium at the hotel: exciting but empty. It doesn't mean much if I don't have my wife or kids to share it. The moral is familiar, but it's true!

Flying Fish Freed by Screenwriters

The second leg of my trip to San Francisco trip was in the classic Boeing 747. Although, it felt more claustrophobic than classic. My fellow sardines and I scrunched our shoulders to minimize bodily contact and sensed some of the irony of feeling so stuffy in the midst of the freedom of flight.. Opening the window shade and turning on the air vent helped reduce the feeling of containment a bit. It wasn't until the in-flight film started, though, that my mind was set free. I no longer felt bound, bored, and uncomfortable. Appropriately, the movie itself was about how a group of screenwriters took a stand for freedom in the 1950s. The movie is called Trumbo (2015) and it gave me new appreciation for the value of the professionals who are are often demeaned as superfluous sources of entertainment.

Monday, July 04, 2016

In-Flight Dadertainment

I'm headed to San Francisco for the 14th biannual meeting of the International Conference on Perception and Cognition (ICMPC14). As the flight for the first leg of the trip was landing in Chicago, a little girl in the seat behind me started crying. Her dad sprang into action, offering all kinds of distractions. He told stories about relatives, airplanes, and Chicago. The girl stopped crying when he showed her pictures. Next, he made up and sang at least 10 verses of "Wheels On The Plane Go Round and Round." By the time he finished, she was giggling. He obliged her for the 20 minutes it took to get on the ground. I couldn't help but smile. Good dad :)

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

A Bachelor's Struggles in The Sacred Search

I haven't read the book, The Sacred Search, but as I watched the video below, I agreed with the author's views. I prayed and wrestled for years about making sure I chose the right girl for marriage. As a top priority, I wanted to make sure my lifelong commitment was a commitment that would take me into God's purpose for my life. I had dedicated my life to following God, so my first concern was whether marrying a particular girl was God's will.

Actually, my first decision was whether God would want me to get married at all, regardless of to whom. A friend gave me crucial information to help with this question. He gave me a quote that said I should not commit to serving and depending upon another person until I am completely content with God alone. We have needs that only God can fulfill, and to rush into a marriage before those are met, will create hardship and possibly failure. I would likely place unreasonable demands upon my partner to meet needs that no human can meet. I would not have a clear understanding of how marriage is a ministry to my partner that stems from my personal devotion to God.

In later years, I came across that same advice in other forms, such as "You can't expect your marriage to have its act together until you get your own act together first."  "The most important factor in finding the right mate is becoming the person God wants you to be." (These are paraphrases.)

I spent a year or two trying to make sure I was on track with placing God first in my life and letting Him change me. It's a lifelong process, but I hoped and prayed He would help prevent me from making a bad mistake if my own reasoning was faulty. During this time I was dating a girl, and it reached a point where she needed a firm direction. She needed to know whether I thought she was the one, or whether we should should move on with our lives. It was a fair question - we'd been exclusive for three years, maybe more.

Decision time had come, but it still difficult. Some criteria were fairly easy - Would she lead me in a lifestyle consistent with following God? Yes, I could devote myself to giving my life to her, loving her as Christ gave Himself for the church. Was she also committed to following God, so we would grow closer together rather than farther apart over time? As far as I could tell, she was serious about putting God first in her life and was actively seeking His direction and growing. You never know what's in the deepest part of a person's heart, or how someone will change over time, but I saw a lot of evidence that her heart was true and there no red flags.

A question that bothered me, though, was, "Was she THE one?" What if I was just a year away from meeting the one that God had planned for me from birth? In the end, I concluded that there was no way to know. I'm not omniscient. If there is just one person for me, I would have to trust God to lead me to that person. I would have to make my decision based on whether I had the opportunity to marry a good person. A great person. I realized that I did. She had been patiently walking with me as I struggled with finding God's will in my life.

I prayed that God would stop me if I was way off track - I worried that I had fooled myself into thinking I had the right motives, when in reality I was just under the spell of her beautiful physical appearance -  and then I decided that she would fit well within God's will for my life. She would be right at the center - God, her, and me. As I seek to love God and others, she is first in line as a recipient. As God shapes me, she has been the main instrument He uses. God answered my prayers, and my decision was a good one.

That doesn't mean we always fit perfectly together, though. Our interests and goals often conflict. We inadvertently, and sometimes intentionally, hurt or disappoint each other. If times are really tough, the question occasionally pops into my mind again, "Am I sure we're supposed to be together? What if there's someone else who was THE one?" The answer to that question came from that same friend who gave me the advice about being content.

We were debating whether there was just one person who was made to be someone's spouse. We decided that only God knows, and that we'd have to trust Him. Then, my friend said, "Maybe there isn't a right 'one' until you take your vows. At that point, the person you marry becomes the 'one.'" Who knows, maybe there's even a supernatural transformation in which God actually makes your partner 'the one,' kind of like the way people try to connect predestination with free will. People choose to get saved and go to heaven, and then once they arrive, they see that they were also predestined, perhaps because God foresaw that they would choose.

It's just a fun thought; I don't have any real evidence of the predestination vs. free will in supernatural marriage transformations. I do often remember my friend's observation, though, when I look at my wife and can't imagine being with anyone other than her. Through God's grace and a fair amount of work on our parts, she has become the "one" for me.

Oh yeah, here's the video...

also asked, "Is she THE one?" Did God have one person that He had made just for me, and

Thursday, October 27, 2011


This video is a good reminder not to come down too hard on the kids when you think they've been trying to purposely annoy you.

Nevermind - the video's been removed.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Mt. Rainier 1: Deer

Mt. Rainier 2: Further Along the Trail

Mt. Rainier 3:

Mt. Rainier 4: Hairy Flowers

Mt. Rainier 5: Altitude

Mt. Rainier 6: Edith Creek

Mt Rainier 7: Culvert

Mt. Rainier 8: Beautiful Flower

Mt Rainier 9: Man on the Mountain

Mt Rainier 10: The Ascension

Mt. Rainier 11: A lesson learned?